Social commitment

„The one half of the world cannot live without the other“

Amongst other things together with the Henkel partnership we promote every year social- humanitarian projects of the most diverse fields, mainly in the CIS countries, but also in Africa and Germany.

Our main focus thereby applies to the children, to whom we give a little of life’s pleasures with our food and clothes` donations as well as our monetary donations, and whom we support in their development.  In them lies the future and the hope of a better life. Besides these humanitarian relief projects we are also involved with socio-political activities in science, sport and culture. These range from the support of sport clubs und events, to the initiation and supervision of scientific works and projects, to events associated with the field of art.

Here follows a small excerpt of our relief projects :

Humanitarian activities

Armenia (2002 + 2003) |  Rotary - Union of Refugees

Armenia (2002 + 2003) | Rotary - Union of Refugees

Social integration und rehabilitation of 150 child refugees while at a Summer camp in Sevansee (Armenia).

Georgia (2003 + 2004) | Kindergarten

Georgia (2003 + 2004) | Kindergarten

A kindergarten in Tbilisi, which was already very much in need of repair, was damaged even more by an earthquake. We financially supported the complete renovation of the kindergarten.       


Germany (2001) | Ice sports club Huegelsheim

Germany (2001) | Ice sports club Huegelsheim

We supported the youth team of the ice sports club, Young Hornets.


Germany (2001) | Konrad Schily Trust (EHU White Russia)

Germany (2001) | Konrad Schily Trust (EHU White Russia)

Establishment of partnerships with universities in Eastern Europe.
Setting up of an international management seminar for students (together with the Soros Trust).

Germany (2002) |  Stuttgart University

Germany (2002) | Stuttgart University

We supported a student group in a case study.


Germany (2002) |  Freiburg cathedral

Germany (2002) | Freiburg cathedral

We sponsored the restoration of the candelabrum-angel in Freiburg cathedral.

Armenia - Germany

Armenia - Germany

Sponsoring of the Armenian national football team in the game between Armenia and Germany.